Client wardrobe
I have a variety of kids and women's outfits ready for your next photoshoot with YOUR photographer!!
Regardless if you book me, finding an outfit for a session can be hard and depending on who you hire they may not offer client wardrobe
Have a look though my collection below or follow my Instagram: @meaganlouisephotographyhire_
Note: All of Meagan Louise photography Client Wardrobe is included within each session booked with Meagan.
Props for hire
I have a variety of items, neon signage, backdrops, templates and accessories for your next event!!
Regardless if you book me as a photographer I have a small handful of items that may help out with your upcoming event or your big wedding day!
Have a look though my collection below or follow my Instagram: @meaganlouisephotographyhire_
Note: All of Meagan Louise Photography Props will have a discount or included within each booking with Meagan Louise Photography.